A Carbon Neutral Company
Mustang Washrooms have taken a significant step towards achieving our ultimate environmental ambitions. By working closely with our sustainable solutions partner Ethical Nation Ltd we have seen tremendous growth in our positive environmental profile, and have established a full measure/reduce/offset approach to our carbon management program. We have benchmarked and reported on our current emission levels and processed a VCS approved full emissions offset. We have now achieved recognition for our efforts, and have been awarded the neutralcarbonzone® accreditation for our Head Office operations for Mustang Washrooms Ltd.
We are immensely proud to be a net zero carbon emitter.
Mustang Washrooms sees this achievement of carbon neutrality as the first stage in our ongoing carbon emissions program, and will continually strive for further improvements commercially, socially and environmentally. We hope to exceed any possible expectation regarding our environmental responsibilities, and by taking such positive and progressive voluntary action we demonstrate this. It is now no longer sufficient to simply provide a good quality service, we must do more. By taking this approach we proudly ensure our services are cleaner and greener, and our impact on this planet is a positive one!